Benefits of Eating Right for Your Body Type

Benefits of Eating Right for Your Body Type

You probably already heard or read about the three body types: ectomorph, mesomorph, and endomorph. Body types or somatotypes don’t just describe the way your body looks, but also how it responds to food intake, your metabolism rate, and the characteristics of your...

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How to Eat Right for Your Body Type

How to Eat Right for Your Body Type

Your body type can also provide valuable information to your doctor or dietitian as to what food you should take or the characteristics of your hormones and sympathetic nervous system. The three body types are ectomorph, mesomorph, and endomorph. In this blogpost, we’re going to discuss what food to eat depending on your body type.

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5 Early Diabetes Symptoms that Men Should Look Out For

5 Early Diabetes Symptoms that Men Should Look Out For

For men, having a high blood sugar level carries a whole new set of complications that manifest in certain symptoms that can only be experienced by those with a Y chromosome. These early symptoms can be really helpful if the one experiencing some of them immediately gets checked and implements ways to reverse his condition. See below for early diabetes symptoms that men should look out for, even the young ones.

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