If there’s one thing about alcohol that everyone will sort of agree with is that wine, compared to other alcoholic drinks is good for you. That is, if taken in moderation, at least one glass a day, not one bottle.

For those who are looking for an alcoholic beverage that does not just intoxicate but also has health benefits, should absolutely try Ampalaya (Bitter Gourd) Wine. The utter feeling of intoxication and liberation aside, we’ve collated five important health reasons as to why you should at least try this alcoholic beverage.

Makes Your Skin Blemish-Free

Bitter Gourd has a blood purifying ability that helps the skin remain acne-free and radiantly glowing. Also, since it has antioxidants, the bitter gourd also helps the body deal with blemishes and skin marks. Ampalaya is also effective in dealing with skin diseases such as psoriasis and eczema.

Works Wonders on Your Hair

Also, this wonderful vegetable will work wonders on your greying hair. Even if you’re going bald, regular and moderated consumption of Ampalaya Wine will stall the balding process. Lastly, bitter gourd is known to aid in the rapid metabolism of carbohydrates, thereby leading to fast weight loss. Furthermore, it detoxifies the body naturally, flushing out all the unwanted things inside your body.

Cleanses Your Liver

While almost all alcohol is generally bad for your liver, a glass of wine a day is good for it. Wine that is made from grapes contains resveratrol, an antioxidant that prevents the build-up of fat in the liver. A study published in the International Journal of Vitamin and Nutrition found out that Momordica Charantia fortifies the antioxidant activity of enzymes in the liver, thereby providing protection against liver failure. Also, drinking Ampalaya Wine will help boost the functioning of your bladder.

Boosts Your Immune System

Bitter Gourd is a superfood for a reason. Reasons, in fact. Among these is its ability to help strengthen the body’s immunity and fight viruses and bacteria. A strong immune system prevents the body from developing allergies and indigestion. The antioxidants that the bitter gourd contains work as potent defense mechanisms against diseases. They also assist the body in fighting off free radical damage which cause various types of cancer.

A 2010 study published in the Pharmaceutical Research Journal found out that bitter gourd has anti-cancer and anti-tumor properties. This superfood helps reduce the risk of prostate, breast, and cervical cancer.

Good for Your Eyes

The eyes are among the organs that benefit immensely when you start consuming Ampalaya Wine. The superfood bitter gourd contains a high amount of beta-carotene and other properties that make it one of the vegetables that help improve eyesight and ease eye problems. Furthermore, it can also prevent cataracts.

Moderation is Important

According to some health studies, drinking moderate amounts of red wine can considerably lessen the threat of heart disease. Now, couple that with the fact that diabetics are two to four times more likely to have heart disease and you can see why diabetics and wine somewhat share an uncanny relationship.

However, diabetics should still be wary of intoxicating too much on alcohol. The American Diabetes Association states that drinking wine or any alcoholic beverage can lower your blood sugar for up to 24 hours. So, it would be best that you monitor your blood sugar, before, during, and after drinking alcohol. Low blood sugar and alcohol intoxication share may symptoms so if you’re not checking your blood sugar levels, you might be thinking that you’re just intoxicated when in fact, your blood sugar is already dangerously dipping.

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