Other than the complications that you feel happening to your body, high blood sugar can also really have an impact on your work. Furthermore, there are some instances or setups in your workplace that can further increase your blood sugar level and worsen the complications of your diabetes.

See below for the ways in which high blood sugar can adversely affect you at work.

1. Your productivity suffers because of your fatigue

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When you’re fatigued, you feel an unnatural tiredness that never seems to go away no matter how many times you napped or drink coffee. It would be a miracle for you to finish all of your assigned tasks, much less if you work in a fast-paced environment. This could also impact your creativity, making you less able to come up with new ideas with your brain literally shutting down with every passing minute.

2. You feel sleepy all the time

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Once you feel tired, sleepiness automatically follows. Imagine having to fight through the urge to sleep the whole day in an air-conditioned office. Once you’re sleepy and you haven’t really done any effort to conceal it, the whole office will naturally feel sleepy. Again, productivity will suffer as a result. Deadlines will be moved, meetings will be rescheduled, and targets may not be met.

3. You have a hard time concentrating

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Naturally, once you’re already sleepy, you’ll have a hard time concentrating on anything that’s happening around you. Your mind is consumed by an all-too-encompassing desire for sleep and rest, every soft surface or even your hardwood desk just beckons to you to nap. New concepts or ideas will most likely fly over your head as you try to keep your eyes from drooping.

4. Work meetings are even duller

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As we have mentioned earlier, cramped rooms with the aircon at full-blast will only serve as further invitation for your body to shut down, to get some shut-eye for you. The best thing you could probably hope for here is that you’re just a tad distracted trying to avoid yawning. Otherwise, the usually dull meetings filled with people throwing around ideas, will seem much duller to your diabetic self.

5. You need to follow a rigid schedule

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High blood sugar is not just a condition. It is also a commitment, however unwanted that is. You need to commit to a schedule that you’ll follow to the letter, even a small deviation can result to your blood sugar shooting up. There are meds to take and meal plans to follow, even an exercise regimen that you need to do for at least an hour every day. If you don’t want further diabetic complications, you need to religiously follow through these things, even if you’re working.

Manage work and your high blood sugar

You most probably realized this by now, but deadlines and work relationships are not the only things that you’ll be managing when you’re a diabetic at work. You need to learn to make the two coexist with each other, more so if your blood sugar is abnormally high. Reversing your diabetes or just striving to keep your blood sugar in check requires commitment and eyes on the prize. The prize being diabetes-free or just having a normal blood sugar level.

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