
Unless you’re the type of traveler who enjoys long scenic routes or extended periods of quiet time to think or rest, long drives can be the worst part of any trip, especially since there isn’t much else to do when stuck in a car or a train cab. Luckily, as long as you have playful companions, you can pass the time with some easy games.

Here are 7 road trip games that you can play to keep the boredom away.

1. Counting Game

The objective of the Counting Game is to see how high you can count as a group without following any order.


  • A random person begins with the number one.
  • Another person follows randomly with the next number.
  • This continues until you reach a certain set number or until as high as you can go.
  • The game is over if two people say the same number at the same time, or if a pause of more than 5 seconds happens before another person continues the counting.

2. Alphabet Categories

In Alphabet Categories, the objective of the game is to name things from a specific category in alphabetical order.


  • You choose a category to follow, for example countries, brands, animals, and so on. You can set your category to match the interests of the group you’re travelling with.
  • Start with A and work your way through the alphabet.
  • The game ends when you reach Z or no one can think of an answer for the next letter.
  • You can also start from Z and work your way toward A to make it more difficult.

3. Did You Know?


The object of the game is to trick your opponent into thinking a fake event is real. This game is perfect for groups that aren’t always up to date with what’s new or with current events. You can also modify the game to be about fake factoids, animals, or so on.


  • The game begins by asking, “Did you know that _______?”
  • The challenger can either reply with, “No way,” or, “Tell me more.”
  • You continue the story until the challenger decides if the story was true or fake.

4. 20 Questions


The object of the game is to guess the thing the person is secretly thinking of by asking 20 questions.


  • You silently think of a random thing, such as an animal or vegetable. You can set specific categories to think from to make the game easier or more difficult.
  • Those playing then ask questions that can be answered through yes or no questions, like “Is it a living thing?” or “Does it grow on a tree?”
  • Collectively, those playing are allowed to ask up to 20 questions. After then, each player must make a guess at what the secret thing is.
  • You can modify the game to allow more or fewer questions as well.

5. Story Time


Story Time is a game you can play if you’re on a road with other cars passing by. The goal of the game is to come up with a crazy story about the passengers of other cars. Because there are no clear winners or losers, this can be a completely for-fun game to get rid of long periods of silence.

6. Sleeping Game


The object of the sleeping game is to create the most believable (or unbelievable) story when someone falls asleep. This game can only be played when someone has fallen asleep.


  • Once a companion has fallen asleep, the rest of the group starts coming up with a story.
  • Everyone in the group takes turns adding to the story.
  • Once the passenger wakes up, the goal is to get them to believe the story.
  • The game is over when the sleeper figures out that the story is made up.

7. Would You Rather?


Would You Rather is another game that has no clear winners, but is a great way for you to get a lot of laughs or simply get to know each other.


  • Each player takes turns to propose a choice by saying “Would you rather (a) or (b)?” For example, “Would you rather have to take a 10-hour flight in silence or a 2 hour flight with crying babies?”
  • The next person answers the question, and then proposes a new question to the next player.

Can Be Fun

Sometimes, planning for a trip can be more fun than the actual trip itself. The preparation, making sure that the things you’re bringing are absolutely necessary, the packing of your diabetes medications and your trusted food supplement to ensure that even if you go overboard your calorie charts, you’re still good, and of course, the planning of the trip playlist.

But then, the actual trip comes, and with it, boredom. Though it doesn’t have to be that way. Keep these games in mind and you’ll pass the time having fun. Next thing you know, you have already arrived at your destination.

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