There are many considerations that diabetics need to account for when going on vacation. And one thing that you should never leave at home is a good number of snacks.

Delays and other mishaps can affect the length of your travel. The problem with that is you’ll never know when you’ll next come across a place that sells diabetic-friendly food to keep your blood sugar up.

To make sure you’re covered, here are some easy-to-pack snacks that you should keep in your bags:

1. Crackers or cereal bars

Crackers and cereal bars are an excellent source of fiber. While there are many different flavors and options to choose from, the important thing is that they provide you with a healthy and tasty boost at any time.

If you’re thinking of bringing these with you, look for baked or toasted multigrain crackers. Wheat or pita crackers are also good alternatives.

2. Cheese


If you’ve got crackers, a no-brainer snack to match with them would be cheese. Cheese can be a source of both calcium and protein.

Low-fat cheeses such as mozzarella, feta, and lite cream cheese are perfect for crackers and for snacking on the go. These would also go well with sandwiches or salads.

3. Popcorn


If you like snacking over a long period of time, popcorn is a good choice. Aside from having a low glycemic load, it also is a very light, airy snack. This means you can eat a lot without actually packing on the calories.

You can have about three cups of popped popcorn in one sitting without having to worry too much. Just make sure to skip the salt and butter and opt for lite popcorn.

4. Fruits

Fruits, when portioned correctly, are also a healthy snack that you can bring. A snack-sized fruit would be the size of a small apple or orange, or ½ cup of a chopped fruit.

Keep in mind that bringing fresh fruits on international flights may not be allowed. If you’re flying, you can bring prepackaged fruit cups or dried fruits like raisins or cranberries mixed with nuts or granola.

5. Juice box


If you’re dipping low on sugar, juice boxes are a quick way to spring back.

Not only is juice easier to ingest because it’s a liquid, it’s also easier to manage your intake by limiting yourself to just one box. Milk boxes are a good alternative. You can look for smaller-sized boxes, so you don’t accidentally ingest more sugar than you should.

6. Candies or glucose tablets


Hard candies or glucose tablets are smaller, lighter options to perk yourself up in case of an episode of hypoglycemia. Candy is also easily available in most travel areas.

However, you have to be careful not to overindulge on the sweets. It is always best to consult your doctor and pick which candies or glucose tablets would work best for your diet.

7. Delite Herbal Tea


Herbal teas, such as Delite Herbal Tea, can have many benefits to your health. It has zero calories and comes with no caffeine nor any artificial flavoring—perfect for diabetics who follow a strict diet.

Hot tea can be a soothing drink to help lower your stress levels and stabilize the stomach. Tea can also be taken cold and sweetened to your own liking. Since it will be difficult to brew on the go, you can invest in a good quality vacuum flask to keep your tea hot or cold.

Snacks Are Fine

Even if you’re diabetic, you still have a number of choices when it comes to snacking while travelling. You are not limited to the blandest dishes or even just the food supplements for diabetes that you brought.

With the right amount of preparation, you’ll never find yourself low on sugar in the middle of nowhere. Just make sure to discuss your options with your doctor beforehand, so that all your planned snacks fit into your diet.

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