You probably already heard or read about the three body types: ectomorph, mesomorph, and endomorph. Body types or somatotypes don’t just describe the way your body looks, but also how it responds to food intake, your metabolism rate, and the characteristics of your hormones.

For every type, there’s a particular division of calories, from carbohydrates, protein, and fat. See below for the recommended meal plan for your body type.


For ectomorphs, the struggle has always been to add size or bulk to a skinny frame. It seems that no matter how frequent they binge eat, their bodies remain thin and a bit fragile-like. Other than being healthier (even if they’re skinny, it doesn’t mean that they are automatically healthy), here are the other benefits that ectomorphs can have if they eat right for their body type:

  • Weight gain
  • Muscle gain if they’re bulking up
  • Feeling more refreshed
  • Feeling more energized (due to the added carbs)

What your diet should look like:

  • 55% carbohydrates
  • 25% protein
  • 20% fat

Basically, this consists of a lot of carbohydrates compared to protein and fat. This is for bulking up your figure. Also, ectomorphs are recommended to eat every two to four hours if they desire weight gain, plus an additional 500 calories per day added to the usual calories that they consume.


The athlete physique, from every angle, it seems that mesomorphs lucked out on the body type department. Broad shoulders for men and an hourglass figure for women, looking physically fit is a bit easier for mesomorph than for other body types.

Even if they already look healthy, it doesn’t mean that they are. Following the meal plan could make them healthy if they are not and healthier if they are already. Other than that, here are the other benefits that mesomorphs would enjoy if they’ll adhere to a meal plan designed for them:

  • Get fit easily
  • Lose the weight you put on
  • Be healthier and more active

What your diet should look like:

  • 40% carbohydrates
  • 30% protein
  • 30% fat

A bit more carbohydrates, but not too much, compared to the recommended percentage of protein and fat for every meal. Also, the fat should be the healthy kind. Adding to your reservoir of bad cholesterol and excess sugar can increase your risk of having heart disease, hypertension, and diabetes if you’re a mesomorph.


Benefits of Eating Right for Your Body Type - 3 image
For endomorphs, the goal is burning off the fat and lose weight. Their naturally large body type makes these goals a bit harder compared to the other two types. However, it is manageable, provided that they exercise regularly and follow the diet below.

Here are the benefits that endomorphs would have if they follow a meal plan designed for their body type:

  • Lose excess weight
  • Be healthier and more active
  • Lower the risk of heart disease, hypertension, and diabetes

What your diet should look like:

  • 30% carbohydrates
  • 35% protein
  • 35% fat

More protein and healthy fat compared to carbohydrates – this is the basic breakdown for endomorphs. Also, the fat should be the healthy kind, you wouldn’t want to further increase the likelihood of you catching metabolic syndrome diseases like hypertension and diabetes if you’re an endomorph.

Supplement your meal plans

Aside from exercising regularly and eating right, you can also add herbal supplements to your daily routine. Some of these supplements contain superfoods that help with a variety of health issues that your body might be experiencing. Also, these superfoods contain antioxidants that repel free radical attacks on your healthy cells and DNA. These antioxidants also boost your immune system, making it more resistant to infections and disease, and also help increase your energy level.

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