
This year’s Nutrition Month theme is “Go Further with Vegetables,” and we couldn’t agree more with the message. However, we think that it could be better if we add another word: even. Go even further with vegetables. Don’t be content with the usual bunch of green, leafy veggies that you include in your diet. Go even further… starting with these five superfood vegetables.

1. Rutabaga

5 Superfood Vegetables to Include in Your Diet
Rutabaga is only called as such in North America, for the rest of the world, this root vegetable is known as “swede.” That name is probably a nod toward its supposed origin, most people believe that this superfood is native to Scandinavia and Northern Russia. Its name and origin aside, Rutabaga is rich in a variety of vitamins and nutrients. Rutabaga contains high amounts of Vitamins C, E, K, and B-complex, together with manganese, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, iron, and zinc.

With its antioxidant arsenal, Rutabaga can help fight off free radicals that cause premature aging. It can also help improve one’s eyesight and boost the healthy regeneration of organ and tissue cells. Rutabaga can also help in improving digestion due to its high fiber content while the Vitamin C it has can help boost the immune system. Potassium, on the other hand, can aid in the management of the body’s blood sugar level.

2. Cauliflower

5 Superfood Vegetables to Include in Your Diet

For most people, cauliflower is just the paler and more ‘flowery’ cousin of the more famous (or infamous) broccoli. A member of the cruciferous family, this superfood is as buff as it gets, nutrients-wise. It has insane amounts of Vitamins C and K, which, together with manganese, are antioxidants that the body needs to help fight off free radicals. These free radicals damage you cells and DNA. As a member of the cruciferous family, the cauliflower is also proficient in helping with cardiovascular support. Furthermore, the fiber content of this superfood can help you lose unwanted weight.

3. Asparagus

5 Superfood Vegetables to Include in Your Diet

You might have reservations about eating asparagus (well, it does make your urine smell), however the positives of eating this superfood massively outweigh the relatively few negative/s. Asparagus is packed to the brim with vitamins and nutrients such as Vitamins A, C, E, K, and B6, folate, calcium, protein, and fiber. The vitamins, especially Vitamin e, can help boost your immune system and fight off bacteria and viruses that cause diseases. The last, fiber, can help you with your weight loss goals.

Asparagus also contains anthocyanins, the antioxidants that give fruits and vegetables their darkish red and blue hues. These antioxidants fight off free radicals that cause premature aging and weakened immune systems.

4. Potatoes

5 Superfood Vegetables to Include in Your Diet

This might be surprising, more so with all the negative press that white potatoes get due to their tastier (but very much unhealthy) offspring such as French fries and tater tots. However, a potato is far from being just a lump of unhealthy carbohydrates. For starters, they have insane amounts of Vitamin C, an antioxidant that helps prevent premature aging and decreased mental functions. Potatoes also contain more potassium than bananas, you need potassium for blood pressure regulation, muscle growth, and for boosting your brain functions.

Vitamin B6 is also found in large quantities in potatoes. You need this vitamin for the metabolism of the body’s carbohydrate and protein intakes. Iron and dietary fiber are also found in spades in potatoes. You need the former for your red blood cells while the latter helps with weight loss and blood cholesterol management.

5. Bitter Gourd

5 Superfood Vegetables to Include in Your Diet

Last but not the least, is of course, the much-maligned and loved at the same time: Bitter Gourd. Low in calories but packing so much punch that health complications stand no chance against this underappreciated superfood, the Bitter Gourd is renowned for its blood sugar support properties. However, it’s not just the blood sugar management function that makes this vegetable a true blue superfood. It is also rich in other vitamins and nutrients as well, each with its own health benefits to boot.

An excellent source of folates, this nutrient is very beneficial to mothers during their early pregnancy time. Folates help reduce the risk of neural tube defects in newborn babies. Despite its bitter taste, the Bitter Gourd packs high amounts of Vitamin C, an antioxidant that helps fight off free radicals.

Superfoods in Your Supplement

With all the available supplements online, you might be having a hard time picking which is best for you. For that, we have a simple advice: pick one that contains a superfood as ingredient, especially bitter gourd. This superfood is packed with almost all the nutrients and vitamins that you need. Also, it has polypeptide-p, a compound that helps manage the blood sugar in the body.

If scouring for a supplement that has bitter gourd, choose one that has at least undergone a clinical trial before release and one that has the standard industry certifications to guarantee the safety and quality of the product. One such supplement is Ampalaya Plus, the multi-herb formula for blood sugar support that has Bitter Gourd, Lagerstroemia Speciosa, and Turmeric as ingredients.

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