Learn how to manage your diabetes using natural cures and therapies

The total number of Filipinos diagnosed with diabetes stands at 6 million or around 6% of the total population. However, according to Dr. Augusto Litonjua of the Philippine Center of Diabetes Education Foundation, for every Filipino diagnosed to have diabetes, there is another Filipino that is diabetic but remains undiagnosed.

The change in lifestyle among Filipinos is probably the primary reason behind the sudden increase in number of the diabetics in the Philippines. The processed food, too much sugar, fast food, and of course, the unnatural obsession of Filipinos with rice. Add to this the lack of any physical activity, vices such as smoking and drinking, and you’ll have a complete picture of why diabetes cases are rising in the country.

Reversing this trend might be difficult but not impossible. Other than taking diabetes medication, there are a couple of natural therapies and herbal cures that one can utilize to be able to manage diabetes naturally. See below for more details.

Remove These Kinds of Food from Your Diet

There are certain foodstuffs that you need to eliminate from your diet completely to ensure that they don’t negatively affect your blood sugar levels. To reverse diabetes naturally, you must remove these kinds of food from your diet.

First is REFINED SUGAR. This can be found in soda, most juices, and other sugary beverages. Refined sugar is bad for you because they are responsible for rapidly spiking your blood glucose. You can use natural sweeteners such as maple syrup and raw honey as replacement, although they can still probably negatively affect your blood glucose level.

Another group of food to avoid are GRAINS, especially the gluten-containing variety like wheat. These grains contain large amounts of carbohydrates which are broken down into sugar after consumption. Other than causing spikes in your blood sugar, gluten can also cause problems in your intestines.

You also need to say goodbye to ALCOHOL to be able to reverse diabetes naturally. Alcoholic drinks can riskily dangerously your blood sugar and will also lead to liver complications. Beer and hard liquors are also very high in carbohydrates, which in turn, transform into sugar.

Lastly, HYDROGENATED OILS should not be part of your diet. This include vegetable oil, soybean oil, and cottonseed oil. Consumption of these processed oils has been linked to various health complications, including diabetes.

Eat More of These Kinds of Food

Other than food to avoid, there are also a couple that diabetics need to add to their existing diets to be able to reverse diabetes naturally.

Start with FOOD THAT HAVE A LOW GLYCEMIC LOAD. Basically, the glycemic index is the blood glucose-raising potential of the food. Those with a high glycemic index are more quickly converted into sugar after being consumed. On the other hand, low glycemic foods such as nuts, seeds, avocados, coconut, eggs, non-starchy vegetables, etc., are converted into sugar more slowly.

You should also start looking more into FOOD THAT ARE RICH IN FIBER. These kinds of food slow down glucose absorption, assist in detoxification, and most important, regulate the body’s blood sugar levels. Examples of food rich in fiber are vegetables like Brussels sprouts, peas, and artichokes; fruits like avocado and berries; and nuts and seeds.

Next thing to add to your diet are PROTEIN FOOD. Another group of food that slows down the absorption of sugar, this group also has a minimal effect on your blood glucose levels. The best examples of this are wild-caught fishes, grass-fed beef, organic chicken, eggs, and lentils.

FOOD THAT ARE HIGH IN CHROMIUM are also a must. This nutrient is involved in normal lipid and carbohydrate metabolism. The food groups that are high in chromium helps improve the glucose tolerance factor of the body and aids in balancing out blood glucose levels. The vegetable with the highest amount of chromium is Broccoli. Other examples include raw cheese, green beans, and grass-fed beef.

Lastly, MAGNESIUM-RICH FOOD should also be considered. Magnesium is important for the body because it can aid in regulating blood sugar levels. Also, diabetes is also usually associated with magnesium deficiency. Food rich in magnesium include spinach, swiss chard, almonds, black beans, yogurt, and pumpkin seeds.

Take Herbal Supplements for Diabetes

herbal medicinal in capsules

Another thing to keep in mind is that changes in your diet won’t be enough to reverse diabetes or at least normalize your body’s blood sugar level. You also need the help of supplements.

First on the list are FISH OIL SUPPLEMENTS. Daily, it would be prudent to take 1,000 milligrams of any reputable fish oil supplement because it can help reduce triglyceride levels and raises the HDL cholesterol levels. Also, studies show that omega-3 fatty acids that are found in fish oil are crucial for insulin to function properly.

Another good supplement to go by are those that have bitter gourd extracts. AMPALAYA PLUS, an herbal supplement for diabetes, has bitter gourd as its main ingredient. It also includes other medicinal herbs in the mix such as Lagerstroemia Speciosa and Turmeric. Bitter gourd has been traditionally used for diabetes since it massively helps the body normalize its blood sugar level. Also, this herbal supplement for diabetes can aid in reducing hypertension and assist in lowering the bad cholesterol level of the body.

As a sugar substitute, CINNAMON can also be a good anti-diabetic supplement. It helps the body lower its blood sugar level and improves its sensitivity to insulin. Furthermore, cinnamon has also been proven to help increase the HDL cholesterol levels of the body.

Follow a Meal Plan

For this step, you need to meet with your doctor or nutritionist to set up a meal plan that’s fit for you. This meal plan should cover all the bases as to speak: there’s protein, fiber, healthy fats, and other nutrients. Also, be sure to thoroughly review the meal plan to see that the items mentioned in the first step are gone and the food in the second step are represented well.

It may take a while getting used to a meal plan and the restrictions will probably be the most difficult to handle. You must keep in mind that this is all necessary for a healthier you if you really want to naturally manage diabetes.

Be Physically Active

The final component, of course, is being physically active. All the steps would be in vain if you’ll continue with the sedentary lifestyle that most likely brought you diabetes in the first place. Exercising for at least 30 minutes to one hour every day is a good place to start. By burning fat and building lean muscle, exercising also supports your metabolism naturally.

Young adults using running machine at the fitness club

Furthermore, it has been proven that exercise decreases the chances of a chronic disease and can really help manage diabetes naturally. There are studies that showed how exercising improves blood glucose control and helps delay or even prevent type 2 diabetes from happening.

If exercising is too new for you, start with small steps and routines. Every day, go outside and walk around for 20-30 minutes. This, however small, can be a good start. If you feel comfortable enough, increase the time needed as you exercise.

Consult Your Doctor First

It goes without saying that before trying the things we listed here, set up an appointment with your doctor first and tell them that you prefer natural and organic treatment. Listen to them and don’t attempt to suddenly stop taking your diabetes medication.

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